Morgan Freeman CSGlobe

Actor and director Morgan Freeman has converted his 124-acre ranch in Mississippi into a bee sanctuary, Forbes reported last week.

Freeman has imported 26 bee hives from Arkansas to his Mississippi ranch, where he has planted bee-friendly plants, including lavender, clover and magnolia trees, according to Forbes.

The Oscar winner first discussed his beekeeping hobby in 2014 on "The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon."

"I've discovered I don't have to put on a bee suit or anything to feed them," Morgan said in the 2014 interview. "I've never been stung. I'm never gonna get stung."

"There’s been a frightening loss of bee colonies, particularly in this county," Freeman said in another interview with Larry King. "To such an extent that the scientists are now saying, 'This is dangerous.'"

Freeman's hobby comes as bees face declining numbers across the globe.

A 2016 survey supported by the Department of Agriculture revealed that between April 2015 and April 2016, beekeepers lost nearly half their colonies. Such reports have led to criticism of pesticides used in farming.

In August, the Interior Department announced it would reverse an Obama-era rule banning pesticides that threatened bees and butterflies, as well as other pollinators, and wildlife such as birds.